Fixing Memory Leak of Firefox

Jeff Co hanzjordan at
Sun Jul 10 04:22:20 UTC 2005

I have been recommended to switch from Firefox to another browser because 
Firefox would run slowly after some time. The problem, I was told, is a 
memory leak in Firefox. I've been working with Galeon for a day, and there's 
many things I miss in Firefox. I wonder whether I even have to switch to 
another browser. Is there a way to fix up the memory leak in Firefox?

I guess if there's no way to fix the memory leak with Firefox, I could just 
quit the program and restart after every so many hours.

The firefox I use is:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050524 
Firefox/1.0.4 (Ubuntu package 1.0.2 MFSA2005-44)
(from the About Firefox Help Window)
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