dpkg trick for wxglade

Matt Patterson matt at v8zman.com
Fri Jul 8 14:14:18 UTC 2005

Actually, I figured out that wxGlade was just made into a stupid .deb 
package. It requires no compilation or installtion, it is straight .py 
files. I downloaded the .tar.gz, extracted, and voila, it runs just fine.

I am still kinda curious if people have ways of making apt not be so 
tempermental though!


Scott J. Henson wrote:

> Matt Patterson wrote:
>> I am trying to install the latest version of wxglade. Obviously my 
>> hoary system does not contain python2.3, thus installing the 
>> dependancy python2.3-pythoncard will not work. If I force the install 
>> wxglade works fine because I have the newer python2.4 version 
>> installed (I assume). The only problem with that is if I try to 
>> install anything after that point using apt I get stupid errors about 
>> how it cannot continue because it cannot install 
>> python2.3-pythoncard. Basically this requires me to uninstall and 
>> reinstall wxglade every time I use apt to install something.
>> Is there a way to force the package to install and have its 
>> dependancy checks ignored in the future? Or, is there a better way to 
>> install wxglade than the .deb file provided on the website?
> Two ways.  One, recompile wxglade with a dep on the 2.4 package.  Not 
> recommended because as soon as Ubuntu updates it your changes are 
> lost.  The recommended way is to use equivs to make a fake package.  
> Then you work with the maintainer of wxglade to get it compiled 
> against python2.4 by default.

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