"wifi-radar" wanted

gotmonkey ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Wed Jul 6 12:47:43 UTC 2005

I commented out the lines related to ath0 and added a line for


> #iface ath0 inet dhcp

> #wireless-essid monkey



> #auto ath0

> up wifi-radar -d


System boots faster. I first booted without the line -up wifi-radar
-d-. Everything booted nicely and I had to run wifi-radar and create a
profile for my home wireless. I did notice that I couldn't get a
connection with dhcp, but no issue with static.  

Step two: I added -up wifi-radar -d- to my interfaces, I didn't notice
a difference at boot. I still had to run wifi-radar to connect to my
WAP. I will try full pathing the command and see if it makes a

One step closer is better than two steps back  :wink:


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