Is Ubuntu safe to try

Mustafa Abbasi lordverminard at
Wed Jul 6 03:10:34 UTC 2005

ubutu is great.
i started my linux experirance 1 month ago.
first i treid fedora 4 then 3. both were bloated and slow.both took 3 hours 
to install.
cext i treied ubutu.
its easirer faster and heck better looking too.
try it.

ps. for security you might want to install ubuntu on a second hdd and wirte 
the boot loader 
to the second hdd. thats how i first treid out linux without damaging my 
windows partition.
now i have been winodws free for 3 whole days.

On 7/6/05, Nimefurahi <ulist at> wrote:
> Ubuntu is based upon Debian. It is very stable. I find the GUI to be
> very friendly, as well as (and more importantly) the Ubuntu community.
> A nessus scan on it's potential vulnerabilities, as presented
> out-of-the-box, shows it to be very secure, much more secure than
> scores of other distributions with exception perhaps of Trustix. But
> then, Trustix is not (to my knowledge) based upon Debian. There is much
> to be said for "apt-get", Debian, and its derivatives.
> I find Ubuntu to be very "human". You may challenge it, but it will not
> challenge you.
> I highly recommend it to you, my friend.
> --
> Nimefurahi
> --
> ubuntu-users mailing list
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