Meaning of ubuntu

Karl S. ulist at
Tue Jul 5 20:24:01 UTC 2005

Umlungu Wrote: 
> Ubuntu is a Zulu word, and its used quite frequently today amongst Zulu
> speakers. My definition of the word is quite similar to the one found
> on the home page, but more simply stated.


> Ubuntu = Human Nature

Oh Zulu! Okay. I wasn't sure where to post my complain, so I'll post it

Just got my CDs in the mail, and I realized that it says that 'Ubuntu'
is an 'African' word.

Africa's a pretty big place. Lots of languages. Like every continent.

Would it hurt the Ubuntu designers to SPECIFY the language that Ubuntu
comes from? We would say that "schnapps" is a "European" word meaning

well, you see my point.

Karl S.

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