Resizing ReiserFS Partitions -- Can it be done safely?

Paul M. Bucalo ubuntuser at
Fri Jul 1 11:04:45 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-07-01 at 00:26 -0700, Vram wrote:
> Paul M. Bucalo wrote:
> >I'm looking for advise and success stories on resizing ReiserFS
> >partitions on Ubuntu Hoary. I just noticed this evening how near to full
> >my "/" partition is. I have plenty of extra room in "/home". I would
> >like to shrink the one and give up that space to other without losing
> >files and functionality. Can it be done safely?
> >
> >Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> >/dev/hda2             5.6G  5.0G  608M  90% /
> >tmpfs                 126M     0  126M   0% /dev/shm
> >/dev/hda3              32G  4.0G   28G  13% /home
> >/dev                  5.6G  5.0G  608M  90% /.dev
> >none                  5.0M  2.8M  2.3M  55% /dev
> >
> >Paul
> >
> This is what I would do....
> copy /home <4 Gig> somewhere.. Another computer
> delete /dev/hda3
> create  /dev/hda3 about 500 meg   /
> create /dev/hda5   about 2.5 gig /usr
> create /dev/hda6   about 1 gig /usr/local
> create /dev/hda7  about  3 gig /var
> create /dev/hda8  3 gig /tmp
> create /dev/hda9  /image   <keep my photos here>  20 gig
> create /dev/hda10 /home   rest
> Or something like that ..
> YMMV...
> Vram


I have partitioned beyond current status in the past, when I had a lot
of disk space to chop up. It seems that the first time around in
checking out any new distro, you never quite give it enough room to
"breathe". :0) 

I usually give "/" at least 10 GB's and leave the rest to "/home" and
"swap" on a desktop system, but somehow I shorted myself this time

So, what you are advising is to *not* try and resize, but start over
with a newer scheme. Time constraints wouldn't make this my first
choice. It will come to this if no one has any success stories on
resizing to pass on to me. 

Thanks for the suggestion. 


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