Breezy Trick

jorge o. castro jorge at
Fri Jul 1 04:44:11 UTC 2005

Sean C Sieger wrote:
> I have tried to install Breezy several times (throughout the month)
> and several different ways (Netboot from USB; Colony1 CD-Rom and a
> Daily CD-ROM last week) and I never got past the broken xserver.

Breezy hasn't really been installable lately, it's still broken in many 

> Anyway, I guess the direct question to ask is how do you manage the
> Synaptic Updates? How do you know what allow and what not to allow?

You really shouldn't be running breezy without an indepth knowledge of 
apt and dpkg itself, synaptic isn't well suited to running a day to day 
breezy install, that way leads to madness. Read the man pages on both 
(especially dpkg) and you'll find out how to fix some of the errors that 
are common in breezy.

> You know, there's something in installing Breezy successfully on my
> primary machine that counts: (I don't have an 'old' machine to
> experiment with) I would like an up-to-date (or maybe, an ahead-of-
> its-time distribution -- let's face it Breezy is, radically, beating
> the living daylights out of FC4) for my up-to-date machine. And this,
> mind you, motivated by sheer excitement about the possibility.

I recommend you keep a seperate partition for breezy then. It's nice to 
be able to "roll back" to hoary if you need to. I've been using 
Debian/Ubuntu for over 5 years now, and breezy still manages to bite me 
once a week or so where I need to look up what broke. It's not for the 

Bleeding edge can be fun, but remember that breezy's goal is break stuff 
so that developers can fix them, sometimes this means hanging out with 
no X for a while, so if you're dependant on your machine, keep hoary 
handy. While you are running breezy though, it's important that you 
report brokeness to, we'll all be better off come 
october if everyone uses breezy to report bugs /now/ than just feed our 
crack addictions to new software. :)



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