Wiki user name (e-mail address) - how to change?

Ari Torhamo ari.torhamo at
Mon Jan 31 09:35:52 UTC 2005

ma, 2005-01-31 kello 13:42 +1100, Stuart Bishop kirjoitti:
> Hash: SHA1
> Ari Torhamo wrote:
> | I don't seem to let this thread die, but this is kind of funny: How do
> | you unsubscribe from There doesn't seem to be a way
> | to do that at My Preferences page and the FAQ page "How do I
> | register..." (
> )
> doesn't give this information.
> |
> | For those who haven't read the previous messages in this thread, my
> | e-mail address has changed and I'm trying to get it updated everywere it
> | exists. Because you apparently can't change your username (which is your
> | e-mail address) for, I have to unsubscribe and
> | subscribe back again with my new e-mail address to get the address
> | changed.
> |
> | Is this a missing "feature", or more likely - am I missing
> | something? :-)
> At the moment you need to reregister with your new e-mail address. The
> full-featured code to maintain your account will live at
> , but has not yet been rolled out. I
> suspect it will be there by the end of February but I don't think it has
> been officially scheduled yet.
> - --
> Stuart Bishop <stuart.bishop at>
> Canonical Ltd.                              http://www.ubuntulinux.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! At least someone understands what I'm
talking about :-) I already thought that I'm getting grazy. 

I have to admit that I haven't really thought this whole registration
thing through properly. In addition, I have been sloppy with talking
about two different concepts, registration and subscription (sorry
Simon, et al) - which is partly due to my English.

I think I originally registered at the Ubuntu Linux main web site and
didn't know about the Wiki at that phase. That's how I got the idea of
separate registration to It would have helped if I
had noticed this sentence in the FAQ (don't know if it was there then):
"The wiki and the web site share the same account information." On the
other hand, there is a "Join" link at the main page, so maybe it wasn't
that strange to think the way I did (? :-) Maybe this thing should be
mentioned at the main registration page? (It's mentioned in the
registration FAQ though).

Now I have the information I needed, thanks Stuart. I created a new
account with my new e-mail address and until the new system for account
maintainig is rolled out, the old one exists too.

Thanks everybody for your replies :-)


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