Internet monitoring tools for cursing out cable Internet provider.

George Wright fiddlesticks at
Sun Jan 30 16:05:52 UTC 2005

> >  I don't want to run a server, I just want
> > some applets or something that log different
> > characteristics of my Internet connection, that I can
> > print out or e-mail.


in order to get useful stats about your connection, you'll probably
need to run this the logging stuff (or the applets or whatever) a lot
(days?) - so go nuts with smokeping  - i used it for exactly the same
purpose, successfully with my ISP.

i pointed them to the  pretty pictures showing specific problems (set
some of the servers I monitored traffic to be their nameserver and
main url) - and they helped sort out upstream probs

I doubt you'd able to use it in contract disputes - but if you get a
sympathetc tech on the helpline, it might give them something to chew



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