Internet monitoring tools for cursing out cable Internet provider.
Fabio A Mazzarino
fabio.mazzarino at
Sun Jan 30 15:23:20 UTC 2005
Sometimes, discover that your 128kbps link is actually a 12,8 kbps
link won't mean a better connection after a asking for a better
connection to your provider.
Take a very good read to your contract. Here at home (Telefonica) I
can't say a word if I discover that I'm 50% below contracted link, the
contract garantee only 10% with a limited number of outages of less
then 30 minutes. :o/
Anyway, back to your question, runing something from apache doesn't
mean that others then yourself will have access. Probably your ISP
will block port 80, and you can also block it by yourself with a
simple modification at httpd.conf, then you access your "service"
using http://localhost/service
On Sun, 30 Jan 2005 14:49:17 +0100 (CET), Brian Durant
<linuxnewbiedk at> wrote:
> --- Paul Sladen <sounder at> skrev:
> > On Sun, 30 Jan 2005, Brian Durant wrote:
> > > I was wondering if there are any tools that a
> > relative newbie can use
> > > that produces some output that I can shake in the
> > face of my cable
> > > representative
> >
> > Try 'smokeping'.
> >
> > Like virtually all of these tools, you run it from
> > Apache and access it with
> > a browser.
> >
> > -Paul
> > --
> > Is there no safe way to travel? London, GB
> When you say "run it from Apache and access it with a
> browser" it sounds as if you think I want to serve
> something. I don't want to run a server, I just want
> some applets or something that log different
> characteristics of my Internet connection, that I can
> print out or e-mail.
> Cheers,
> Brian
> --
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