Country/regional lists = easier to keep up with volume of messages?

John Levin john at
Sun Jan 30 01:21:26 UTC 2005

There will be an Ubuntu LoCo (Local Communty) GB starting up soon - 
like February, which is but a few days away, for which I will be SABSUC 
(Supreme And Benevolent SubLeader Until Coup).

On 28 Jan 2005, at 18:05, David Marsh wrote:

> <snip>

>> I'm not so sure. Already this list (the worldwide Ubuntu-user-english
>> list) is (for me) on the cusp of becoming too big to keep up with.
>> Given that there are other language/country lists, I think there'd
>> actually be a case for country-specific English language lists as 
>> well,
>> so as to be more manageable for the local userbase.

Yes, this list is difficult to manage, but the advantage is a wide base 
of knowledge to draw on. I see the LoCo GB list as less generally 
technical, but with GB specific questions (like, how to set up TV cards 
for GB channels - yup, got a TV card for Xmas).


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