Upgrade to Hory

Danilo Piazzalunga danilopiazza at libero.it
Fri Jan 28 13:42:45 UTC 2005

Eric Dunbar wrote:
> [what's the difference b/t dist-upgrade and just upgrade from
> apt-get's point of view?]

Quoting from apt-get man page, upgrade does the following:

  Packages currently installed with new versions  available  are  retrieved
  and upgraded; under no circumstances are currently installed packages
  removed, or packages not already installed retrieved and installed. New
  versions of  currently  installed  packages that  cannot  be  upgraded
  without changing the install status of another package will be left at their
  current version.

Instead, dist-upgrade installs and/or removes packages to meet the
dependencies of the new versions.

Danilo Piazzalunga                     +--------------------+
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