Ubuntu PPC 4.10 Installed on new Mac Mini

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at wanadoo.fr
Wed Jan 26 20:44:31 UTC 2005

> Linux due to its macro kernel structure depends heavily on the drivers.
> 99% of the drivers which come with the kernel give you 100% stability at 
> the current 2.6 kernel releases but the 1% is problematic or the ones 
> you have to nail into the system afterwards.
> I can remember having constant instabilites with acceleratedX but yet to 
> have a single severe problem with x.org.
> Also most people tend to forget that if X windows hangs the system still 
> often runs stable, a hanging X (which has not occurred to me in a long 
> time) can be killed with <ctrl> <alt> <backspace> and the system itself 
> is not compromised-. If that does not work anymore often a remotely 
> accessed kill also can do the trick.
> Well a Linux segfault has yet to occur on me, the last one I had was the 
> day before I kicked acclerated X out of my system.
> Warty is very stable... just up the kernel a little bit 2.6.10 should do 
> it normally, also x.org might help. Xfree really is not that good, 
> especially when it comes to ATI in the system.

So basically it's rock solid then ? Great, there is hope. I will keep
working on it....
Enabling 3D indeed made it crash more often, but, as I just reported in
a previous mail, it seems that even a good old PIC Matrox card can also
cause problems, albeit less often, it seems.
But how can people play 3D games without 3D cards ? So this means there
must be at least some cards, that Warty is stable with. I welcome
peoples suggestions on what model to buy. I am looking at the oldes and
cheapest model that allow for stability, which I would probably try and
get used on Ebay. 30 USD/Euros maximum...

I have just resorted to installing another hardrive in my machine, to
play with Hoary. Since it has a different X server, and a revised GDM
(think I read that somewhere in the wiki), chances are, it will work
better. Worth a try anyway. 

Anyway, thanks for confirming, again, that Ubuntu is rock solid. I will
therefore carry on my investigations until it becomes solid as a rock
like your machine.


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