Ubuntu PPC 4.10 Installed on new Mac Mini

Werner Punz werpu at gmx.at
Wed Jan 26 18:45:03 UTC 2005

Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
>>This is sooo Linuxish.. *ducking for stones*
>>"no audio, no video, but it works great!"  ;D
> Yes, I find this amazing myself. Ubuntu is so unstable on my machine,
> that it undoublty crashed 10 times more in 3 months, than Windows XP has
> ever crashed in 2 years. Yet somehow, I have never, ever, even remotely,
> considered switching back to Win XP. 
Funny... I could crash Windows twice reproducable the last week
and Linux has yet to crash on the same machine.
Linux due to its macro kernel structure depends heavily on the drivers.
99% of the drivers which come with the kernel give you 100% stability at 
the current 2.6 kernel releases but the 1% is problematic or the ones 
you have to nail into the system afterwards.
I can remember having constant instabilites with acceleratedX but yet to 
have a single severe problem with x.org.

Also most people tend to forget that if X windows hangs the system still 
often runs stable, a hanging X (which has not occurred to me in a long 
time) can be killed with <ctrl> <alt> <backspace> and the system itself 
is not compromised-. If that does not work anymore often a remotely 
accessed kill also can do the trick.

> Linux&Ubuntu are so great, that even when it crashes, freezes or seg
> faults, it still puts a banana like smile on my face everytime I see
> GDM's log-in screen then my Gnome desktop.
> I think these Penguins have are truly magic ! :-)
Well a Linux segfault has yet to occur on me, the last one I had was the 
day before I kicked acclerated X out of my system.

> Vince, waiting for Hoary to be released, hoping that it will be more
> stable........
Warty is very stable... just up the kernel a little bit 2.6.10 should do 
it normally, also x.org might help. Xfree really is not that good, 
especially when it comes to ATI in the system.

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