Grub Error 18 : bugzilla ID 2284

Lesley Binks lesley.binks at
Wed Jan 26 19:27:57 UTC 2005

Hello again :)

Just to report.

Tried shifting to AUTO in the BIOS (away from LBA) and using one '/' 
partition and a small swap on a 15.3GB HDD.

Got the same Grub Error 18 at boot up.

Went in for some partitioning

500Mb /boot
512Mb for swap
2GB /
then circa 2.5GB for /usr, /home, /var, /tmp, /usr/local.
(The partitioning program kept giving me 2.4 when I asked for

Note I have not reset my disk access to LBA but left it at Auto.

Have successfully got past the first reboot and have the packages being 



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