Hoary & AMD64

Russell Cook ruscook_oz at yahoo.com.au
Tue Jan 25 23:28:30 UTC 2005

Hi folks,
well I took the plunge last night and upgraded to Hoary AMD64. After 
about 550MB of download, I had a system! A little playing (finished off 
this morning) and I now have a 64bit version of Ubuntu Hoary with:
    Open Office 1.1
    Totem (Xine) playing MPGs and DVDs (Checkout the Long Way Round by 
Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman :-)
    Mozilla Firefox (and internet access of course)
    Mozilla Thunderbird
    my Epson Stylus Photo 810 is now fully supported in Hoary.
    Samba (shares and client connection)
    Gnomp3 (working with MPG321)
    gFTP (a GREAT gui FTP program)
    the lovely nuvola surf theme
    the new Hoary menu structure (which I like)
    all my settings intact as HOME is it's own partition and I can boot 
into my "old" 32 bit environment if I want/need to.
    Synaptic package management
    the cool (with nuvola) gnome look and feel (I still want GTK & Gnome 
to behave the same when I select single click)
    USB card reader auto mount (yeah for digital cameras :-)
    All this took about 3 hours from start to finish including 
Synaptic's 2 hrs to download about 580MB of Hoary 64.

The only things not working at the moment are:
    VPNC (well I expect the kernel patches aren't in the AMD64 kernel 
but would welcome feedback on this)
    Vmware (will have a go at getting this installed again today)
    Numlock keeps turning itself off as I toggle between windows/apps.
    Integration between Thunderbird and firefox is not working. i.e. 
click on a URL in Thunderbird and it doesn't do anything.

I've checked Desktop/Preferences/Preferred Applications and Firefox and 
Thunderbird are both default applications. I don't know why this doesn't 
work, any advice would be appreciated.

All in all, Hoary is a great upgrade from Warty a polished package. The 
knowledge I get from doing these upgrades/installs and the sheer volume 
of packages in the Universe repositories for debian based distros makes 
this a very enlightening and enjoyable journey. Very impressive stuff 
both the base Debian OS and the Ubuntu variation. Well done and thanks 
to the Deb team and Canonical!

Kind Regards Russ
(written in gedit/ubuntu, uploaded by gFTP, maintained by Russ Cook)

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