[OT] cvs / svn extension for nautilus

bstil ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Tue Jan 25 23:07:36 UTC 2005

Anonymous Wrote: 
> i would really like to know if
> theres any good cvs and or subversion client for gnome or even better
> an extension for nautilus. something like tortoisecvs or tortoisesvn
> on win32.
I agree.  I use TortoiseCVS a lot and it would be great to have my
Ubuntu Gnome File Browser icons marked with source control
status--either CVS or SVN.

BTW, that link goes to an email dated 2003, but a follow up in that
thread links to http://apotheke.berlios.de/ .  Here's a quote from that

> Apotheke is a separate Nautilus view, which gives you detailed
> information about CVS managed directories. CVS is the "Concurrent
> Version System" which is often used by (free) software projects to
> manage there sourcecode. Nautilus on the other side is the super cool
> filemanager used in Gnome, which has a very modular architecture and
> enables 3rd party developers to extend it easily. This is exactly what
> I've done here.
Has anyone used Apotheke? on Ubuntu?


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