Relative Newbie Known Error Message Issues? (Problem 5)

Brian Durant linuxnewbiedk at
Tue Jan 25 14:25:49 UTC 2005

Here are three different errors that I am getting in
Warty Warthog (4.10):

1) At startup, I am getting the following error

"usb usb4: string descriptor 0 read error -19"

2) When I try to use the "slocate" command I get the
following error message:

"warning: slocate: could not open database:
/var/lib/slocate/slocate.db: No such file or

3) When I try to use "alien" I get a message that it
can't find the file, regardless of the location or
name of the file. Here is an example:

"(path) /stardict-quick_eng-swe-2.4.2-1.noarch.rpm"
not found."

Are any or all of these known issues? Any ideas about
what I can do about any or all of them?



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