Ubuntu PPC 4.10 Installed on new Mac Mini

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at wanadoo.fr
Mon Jan 24 22:11:01 UTC 2005

> > Yes, I find this amazing myself. Ubuntu is so unstable on my machine,
> > that it undoublty crashed 10 times more in 3 months, than Windows XP has
> > ever crashed in 2 years. Yet somehow, I have never, ever, even remotely,
> > considered switching back to Win XP.
> Probably b/c it's not as unstable as Windows 98 was "back in the day".
> 10 times in three months. I'd be happy if Win 98 didn't crash 10 times
> in one day ;P... 

He...I don't know, never had 98, didn't like it. Had Win95 OSR2 for a
few years then changed motherboard, which is what forced me to switch to
XP, because my new hardware would have drivers for Win95, "too old", I
was told ! Yeah, cool... I wanted to change hardware to improve
performance....result, I am forced to put a heavier OS as well,
resulting in marginal speed improvement ! :-/
But thank God, it seems that Linux puts a stop to this ! :o)

> plus, Linux is still a pretty new OS... it's coming
> along nicely (two years ago I couldn't get into it... now it's easy
> enough that even I can figure things out).

Yes, it's improving very very rapidly indeed. I am very curious to see
just how much more it will improve over 2005. 
If it keeps improving at this pace, and if "Longhorn", doesn't hit the
market before mid 2006, chances are that Longhorn will arrive too late,
Bill won't sell as many copies as Win XP. If it hits the market after
2006, then he may as well not release it, as penguins will have ruled
the world already by then ! :o)))

About the instability of Wart on my machine, reading this list, it
gather that I am the only one to epxerience this. The most common
comment is "Wart is the most stable Linux I have ever had". So I guess
it's just bad luck with my particular hardware, although it's all very
common stuff. Probably the video driver and X server that don't like my
particular machine. Since with Hoary will have new X server and new
everything, it's likely to work better than Warty (don't think it can be
worse ! :-/ )
If it still doesn't do it, then I guess I will have to change the
motherboard and all it's component, CPU/RAM/VIDEO, hoping to have better
luck. But that will have to wait. I changed the board only 2 and half
years ago, so it will have to stay in service for at least two more
years. I would like to replace it with a dual P4 board, which is
expensive, so I can't buy one any time soon anyway.

> > Vince, waiting for Hoary to be released, hoping that it will be more
> > stable........
> Why wait, 

Well, Hoary is not yet released, it's only halfway in the development
process !

> I have run into a grand total of one kernel seg fault, it was my fault and....

Well, I don't want to take the risk of using a development version, I
can't afford to lose data or anything, should an important module/bit of
software go wrong ! :-O
Updating every 6 month suits me just fine. More often than that, would
not suit me. I need my machine to work, I like to install things once,
then leave them alone and use them, not fight with them and re-install
everything every week-end (or every morning with apt ! ;o).
Also, re-installing the system ius a major cause of stress for me, as I
never know exactly what program I have installed, what files I have
tweaked by hand for what purpose. I alwyas spend hours trying hard to
remember "what the heck do I have to back-up ?". Yet, everytime, I cry :
"OH NO, I forgot to save that file !! " :o(((
I think what I should do, is put a file on my desktop, the only icon on
there, so that I can see it easily, so that it stand out. In it, I would
write e-ve-ry-thing that I do to my system, in chronological order.
Everytime I install a program, I write it down, along with any file I
may have tweaked by hand, what was the mod, what's the name of the file,
where it is etc.
Then before re-installing, I print the file, and use it a "check-list"
to make sure I have backed-up everything. Then afterwards, it will help
me re-install the system faster.
Even then, I still feel unconfortable wiping my system. For example,
even if I re-use my  /home/~ partition and only delete /usr, I somehow
lose Evolution's settings. My archived messages are still there, the
adress book too (I think), but I have to reconfigure the acocunt
everytime ! Also, I always lose Epiphany's bookmark, makes me cry
Also, when I upgrade to Hoary, since Gnome and all the programs will be
newer, maybe the hidden configuration files/folder in /home/~ won't be
compatible with Warty's versions, which means I will have to REALLY
re-install/reconfigure all my programs !!! :o(((((((((

So that's why I am really not in a hurry, and prefer to wait for Hoary
to be released....


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