annoncing gaveman in hoary universe
Jon Dixon
dixon.jon at
Fri Jan 21 20:39:46 UTC 2005
Thanks to this snippet, I was able to add my IDE writer.
However, when I try a write operation it says I don't have access to
cdrecord 2. When I check the permissions, I get:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 133 2005-01-06 22:08 cdrecord
Any ideas?
Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> i'm happy to announce that ubuntus universe finally has a gtk2 based
> burning app that is capable to do the common CD burning tasks
> (audio/data/iso/copy).
> if you are on hoary just install graveman form universe.
> if your writer is a IDE device and isnt detected properly see the
> following lines from /usr/share/doc/graveman/README (kernel 2.6 uses no
> scsi emulation):
> --------------------- snip ---------------------
> If you don't use SCSI emulation, you have to put this configuration at
> the last
> of the file .graveman/graveman.conf :
> [lecteur]
> dev=/dev/hdc # your drive
> name=CD Burner # whatever name you want
> type=15 # 15 for cd writer, 1 for cd reader
> vitesse=16 # max speed of your writer
> -------------------- snap ---------------------
> if you encounter bugs please follow up on this thread.
> ciao
> oli
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