Pine in Hoary

Eric Dunbar eric.dunbar at
Thu Jan 20 21:42:05 UTC 2005

On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 20:57:05 +0100, Danilo Piazzalunga
<danilopiazza at> wrote:
> Eric Dunbar wrote:
> > Is Pine available in Hoary and/or Warty?
> Isn't mutt a pine clone? If it suits you, it's installed by default.
> Danilo

It seems like mutt uses vi :-(. All this silly OSS politics. Pine is
available for redistribution, without needing to get permission from
UWash, to all distros that don't sell themselves (does Ubuntu do
that)! If you want to modify it *and* redistribute then you need
permission. IIRC pico is included in Ubuntu. No reason pine couldn't
also be included.

YDL sells its distro (though, it also allows downloads) and
distributes pine with it (& I doubt UWash demands any $$$ for the
right to redistribute for non-paying customers since YDL couldn't
afford to be giving away apps they paid for for free).


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