Relative Newbie With Spell Checking Problem (Problem 2).

Brian Durant linuxnewbiedk at
Thu Jan 20 05:34:37 UTC 2005

Hi again. I am looking for a way to spell check in
Danish in I understand that the spell
checking is based on MySpell, but there is no .deb
package that I can find anywhere (why is that???). I
have found a MySpell RPM and source version (???) at The URL of the file location is
at but I am unsure what
to do and what file to use. I see that alien is
included in Ubuntu, so in theory I could use the RPM
version, but whether I use source or RPM, I am unsure
how this will affect Ubuntu as it largely uses its own
special packages, if I understood correctly. So far, I
have only installed a Danish spell check for ASpell
(Evolution), from universal and it hasn't had any
adverse effects.

Also, I would like to install StarDict I know StarDict isn't
a spell checker, but hey it has something to do with
languages. As with the Danish MySpell dictionary,
there is no .deb package.  Having never used alien
before, how do I use it and will installing RPMs
adversely affect my Ubuntu system?



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