My NAT Router

Lawrence MacIntyre macintyrelp at
Wed Jan 19 15:05:30 UTC 2005

If NAT can't be disabled, then you will have a hard time, as it will
want to translate addresses.  Some NAT routers have a bridging function
and if yours does that, you can bridge the DMZ interface with the WAN
interface and put the servers on the DMZ interface.  If it doesn't, you
should really get a different box.  I'd recommend a cheap old PC from
the scrap heap and the m0n0wall firewall software.  You could do this
easily with 3 ethernet interfaces (LAN, WAN, and DMZ).  If none of this
is possible, you can run your servers outside the firewall, which isn't
really a great idea, but you could get another ethernet switch and put
the WAN interface of the firewall and the servers on the switch.

On Wed, 2005-01-19 at 12:54 +0000, Ben Hodgson wrote:
> Hey,
> This is a little off-topic...but I have a NAT router-firewall-modem
> combo (NAT can't be disabled). My ISP has assigned me 8 external IPs
> and I want to assign 3 of them to a ubuntu server running http, smtp
> and the like, while still keeping the DHCP server running
> on the router combo box handing out internal IPs 192.168.8.* to the
> PCs in my house.
> Does anyone know how I might be able to do this?
> Thanks,
> Ben Hodgson
Lawrence MacIntyre     865.574.8696     macintyrelp at
               Oak Ridge National Laboratory
High Performance Information Infrastructure Technology Group
               AKO: lawrence.macintyre at
           SIPRNet: macintyrelp at

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