Ubuntu release names/version numbers (was: Debian or Ubuntu?)
Eric Dunbar
eric.dunbar at gmail.com
Mon Jan 17 17:55:31 UTC 2005
On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 17:19:00 +0100, Shot (Piotr Szotkowski) wrote:
> Eric, please don't Cc: me on your replies, I'm already subscribed.
The reason for the cc is the whole BS that was visited recently (and
gets visited every week or two) about reply-to-list vs.
reply-to-sender vs. whatever. Reply-to-all is the only way I'm
guaranteed that a post will actually _make_ it to the list (and, a
whole lot of other people do the same FYI since I regularly get cc:ed
on people's posts)!
> Eric Dunbar:
> > I suggest the Ubuntu team consider relying a little
> > LESS on code names and more on OS versions.
> >
> > Warty, Hoary, Grumpy, Dumpy, Lazy, Larky, Snorey... what's in a name?
> For me? A little of personal touch, plus
> I don't like Ubuntu's version numbering scheme.
It's a personal touch but only of meaning to people who immerse
themselves in it. I like it, but not for real use. For an external
user Warty is going to suggest something amateurish. Microsoft doesn't
market their OSes using code names for good reason -- they add to
version confusion.
Watch and see what happens when there's Warty, Hoary, Grumpy and Wimpy
Ubuntu. Sounds like the beginning of the Snow White story and not an
> > As a Mac user I find that I'm constantly having to look up
> > what is Panther (10.3), Tiger (10.4), and Jaguar (10.2).
> Looks like they're sorted alphabetically. :o)
I wish! Where's Ocelot going to fit into the list? I want an Ocelot version!!!
> > Anyway, not to rain on the naming parade, but it is a problem to
> > rely on cute names a little too much since cute names don't contain
> > historical information like 10.4 or 5.10, and, they're going to be
> > coming fast an furious (every six months).
> In official documents - by all means, use the official numbering.
When you have two different numbering/naming conventions you run into
confusion. Since Apple has absolute control over the OS _and_ has a
very seamless update path (update checking is on by default) there's
less of an issue with versioning.
> > Microsoft keeps the same name for an OS for at least two years.
> 3.11 -> 95 -> 98 -> 98SE -> Me -> XP for desktops,
> NT 3.51 -> NT 4.0 -> 2000 -> 2003 for servers.
> I wouldn't make an example of it.
Somewhat logical though! 95 - released in 1995, 98 - 1998, 98 Second
Edition (updated version of 1998), Millennium edition (how to sucker
people into buying a downgrade), XP - who knows, maybe the naming crew
were AD&D nuts ;-P
> > In Ubuntu, although the naming convention of year.month is logical,
> > it is not a logical progression! 4.10, 5.4, 5.10, 6.4, 6.10, etc.
> First, it's 4.10, 5.04, 5.10, 6.04, 6.10 etc.
> Second, in Linux world the numbering schemes are generally different
> than in Windows world. In Windows, you'd have 5.1, then 5.11, then 5.2;
> in Linux, it's 2.6.9, 2.6.10, 2.6.11. Personally, I like the Linux
> numbering scheme much more, and it's less restrictive (after 2.99
> you simply go to 2.100); I also don't like the artificial bloating
> of version numbers (hello, Slackware), and I don't like version numbers
> based on dates - but I can understand people who see some benefits there
> (I don't agree with them, though).
I prefer more "organic" versioning to the artificiality of Ubuntu. If
an update doesn't provide a serious change the version number change
ought to be minor (e.g. kernel updates).
I'm no great fan of the mega version numbers in Linux. It makes it
look a tad technical (perhaps that's what the version numberers are
going for... a little ego padding to say, "look, I released 99
previous updates to this app b/c I wasn't patient enough to put the
updates into less frequent updates ;).
Ah well, I'm sure Canonical's marketing dep't will eventually have to
reign in version numbering/naming. Just thought I'd point it out since
it seems to be on the cusp of becoming unwieldy.
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