Ubuntu KDE
Buffalo Soldier
ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Mon Jan 17 13:30:26 UTC 2005
1) Both GNOME and KDE has it's own strenghts and weaknesss.
2) Both GNONME and KDE are better than Microsoft/Windows.
3) Eventhough GNOME is the default desktop in Ubuntu, user still has
the option of installing KDE.
4) If a user prefers a GNU/Linux distribution that comes with KDE as
it's default desktop, there are many other distros to chose from.
5) No one is forcing anyone else to use Ubuntu.
6) As opposed to MS/Windows. The cost for trying out GNU/Linux
distribution is minimal. It is better to try a few distribution first.
After that chose one that you like the most and feel most comfortable
with (developers philosophy, GNOME/KDE, update frequency, package
management and etc.) It is easier to choose a ship that is heading the
same direction as you are, rather than boarding a ship that's heading
another way and then trying to change it's course 180 degrees.
7) If a person feels so strongly about KDE, perhaps they should be
using, supporting, giving feedback or help developing distributions
that are using KDE. And vice versa.
8) If we have tried using both GNOME and KDE based distribution and
decides to choose Ubuntu, we have to think of the reasons for making
that choice. I'm sure there are a lot of reason to choose Ubuntu and a
lot of reason not to choose Ubuntu too. But among many of the reasons
we choose Ubuntu (it could be speed, stability, nice looking or
whatever) I believe part of it GNOME played a part in it. I'm not
saying Ubuntu is all good and yummy because it used GNOME, but we can
not deny GNOME's contribution (maybe a little, maybe a lot) in making
Ubuntu what we like so much.
9) I can't speak for other users who like GNOME. But for me to be using
KDE based distro (such as MEPIS) and then complaining to the developer
and asking them to develop GNOME for their distribution is not nice.
Both KDE and GNOME based distro developers have their own philosophy,
style, principle, vision and mission. If we choose to use the distro
they developed (most of the time for free), we must do a bit of our
part such as reporting bugs, helping documentation and perhaps
supporting our developer's vision and mission.
GNOME users shouldn't simply give negative-unconstructive comment to
KDE OR vice versa. We all should help and encourage the other to do
better. They only people who truely gains anything by us fighting and
bickering KDE vs GNOME vs XFCE vs others is Microsoft.
May KDE, GNOME, XFCE and many others continue to thrive and mature.
Buffalo Soldier
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