Reply-To issues proposed for Community Council agenda [Was: This Mailinglist]

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Sat Jan 15 23:22:53 UTC 2005

<quote who="Sean Miller">

> "Ignoring... reasoned arguments" is precisely what you are doing. That is
> quite sad... especially that you cannot see it.  I am sure that the slave
> traders in Bristol put up a very similar argument to yourself in the late
> 19th Century... thankfully, reason prevailed then.

This is absolutely inappropriate for this list. Please review the code of

Again, please let this thread end. The issue will be discussed at the CC

- Jeff

-- 2005: Canberra, Australia      
   "When there's public debate and mass hysteria, that's when the patches
                         roll in." - Michael Meeks

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