Sound Issues in Fresh Hoary Install

Kent Frazier kentfrazier at
Sat Jan 15 04:13:23 UTC 2005

An update:
I am still having the issue with the muted sound on startup, but after
recent updates, the Volume Applet does not appear on the taskbar at
startup.  I tried adding it again, but that one did not appear either.
 It only appears after I run alsamixer from the command line and
change something with the sound.  After this, both of them will
appear.  Even after I unmute the sound and it works, there is a red
slash through the icon as if it were still muted (though sound it
working fine at this point).  So all in all, I have no idea what's
going on with it.  Anyone know how to fix any of this?  I think I am
going to file a bugzilla report about it.


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