Mozilla Thunderbird

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Fri Jan 14 20:34:48 UTC 2005

<quote who="CB">

> Yes, that's an eerily Microsoftish tale. You really have to jump through
> hoops to run Win XP or Server without IE, for example. One of the first
> things you'll run into is that the Control Panel won't work because of
> it's dependence on mshtml. Of course you can get round this by running the
> cp applets from the command line or using other commandline utilities for
> admin stuff. But it's an example of one app becoming so 'integrated' into
> a desktop that for all intents and purposes it is mandatory.
> If the gnome guys really are planning to extract the data handling for
> PIM-type stuff into the desktop, they really ought to do in an app-neutral
> way imo.

It is application-neutral. Any application can link with the e-d-s libs and
use the data. You're having an irrational, allergic reaction to the name
"evolution" in the library name. There is nothing stopping you from removing
Evolution, the application, but e-d-s is becoming a crucial integration tool
in GNOME - it will be used more, not less.

To make it very clear: You can remove Evolution the application. This will
remove a number of Evolution-specific plugins and packages, but this is all
unrelated to e-d-s.

There is no need for stating your opinion harshly or unkindly - you are
better off asking questions to find out what you need to know. Few people
will help you if you offend them straight off the bat.

- Jeff

GUADEC 2005: Stuttgart, Germany            
                          No pants is good pants.

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