mixing mailboxes in the command line and the gui

anto debian at fastwebnet.it
Fri Jan 14 13:55:07 UTC 2005

Il giorno ven, 14-01-2005 alle 13:04 +0100, josé ángel madrid gómez ha
> I know there are some command line apps to check email. In order to
> prevent problems if my X won't start, I would like to learn the
> procedure for reading and sending emails using a console.
> I would prefer to be able to use an unique "repository" of my emails I
> mean, being able to read emails in a console way, or a gui way, using
> the same directories.
> Is there the chance of doing this? Should I configure, say, mutt in a
> way that it uses the same mailboxes and configuration as thunderbird does?

Sure! You can use fetchmail to automatically download the mail, then
procmail to filter it, and what ever MUA you want to read it (in console
or under X).

Check the debian documentation to getting started.

- Antonio

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