This Mailinglist - another vote for sanity

Romeyn Prescott prescor at
Thu Jan 13 20:19:31 UTC 2005

One thing I've noticed throughout the multiple discussions on this 
subject is the lack of ANY input from anyone in "authority."  Do the 
List Mods actually monitor and/or participate on this list?  If so, 
it would be nice if he/she/they would weigh in on this and tell us 
why it is the way it is, offer a means for soliciting input for 
change, or tell us that it is the way it is and to suck it up and 
move on.

For all you people with the "Reply to List" option in your MUA, would 
this proposed change in behaviour affect this functionality of your 
MUA?  If not, then why do you care?


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