Switching video cards : "HowTo" ??

Kent Nyberg nyberg.kent at spray.se
Wed Jan 12 16:28:01 UTC 2005

ons 2005-01-12 klockan 10:37 -0500 skrev nocturn:
> I was reading through this thread thinking: is there no way to rerun the
> autodetection Ubuntu used on installing, it worked very well for me...
> -- 
> nocturn

This sounds like a kind of *must have*.  A working desktop-environment
a must for most beginners. If something is not correctly configured,
most (not all) can configure them in the desktop, thats not so hard. But
if the desktop does not run becaus the user has bought a new
graphics-card, then there is a big problem.  Why cant the system
autodect changes like this? I mean, at home i could plug in a HP printer
that got detected automatic, so why cant the system notice a change of
graphic-card?   Needing to run console-commands from a terminal is
things no one realy understands without going in to irc, reading
mailinglists etc. And running a normal home-desktop should not demand
I mean, if the network is down, most people would look into the
network-settings in Gnome. But, if the desktop dont load, and the user
needs to edit a strange file in /etc/X11/ etc,  then its way out of

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