This Mailinglist

Sean Miller sean at
Mon Jan 10 18:35:30 UTC 2005

Martin Schmitz wrote:

>Ed Fletcher schrieb:
>>You're right Ari.  I had just looked at the buttons and it wasn't there. 
>>  I see it under the Actions menu.  It is not in the majority of e-mail 
>You want to count? ;-)
Well, it seems to me at least that we currently have everybody except 
Martin who would like "reply-to-list" as the default, and Martin - who 
appears to be unable to resist making personal insults - seems to be 
deluding himself that replies to personal e-mails would also end up on 
the list... of course they won't, because they will be personal and will 
therefore have the reply-to set to sender.

In other words, with "reply-to-list" on list e-mails you don't have to 
think about whether you're replying to a list or a person; the list does 
that for you... personal ones go to the sender, list ones to the list... 
in fact it is far *more* likely that with "reply-to-sender", where one 
has to manually add the list to the send list, that personal e-mails 
will inadvertently get published.


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