This Mailinglist

CB ubuntu-users at
Mon Jan 10 01:28:52 UTC 2005

Martin Schmitz wrote:

>This is really funny. I'm subscribed to a lot of mailing lists for
>years, mostly about technical things like using software or developing
>operating systems and such things, but also lists that announces parties
>in my town and other stuff like that.
>I have never ever seen a mailing list, where the list software adds or
>changes the Reply-To header! It would be a really, really stupid thing
>in my opinion. What if I want replays to an other address than the one
>I'm subscribed with? Besides all the other problems described in the
>document above. And nowhere other than here I have ever seen people
>asking for the Reply-To header to be set.
I don't know much about mailing lists, but I know what behaviour I want, 
and what I get in every list or the dozens I've subscribed to,  except 
this one. I hit 'reply', and the mail goes to the list. You only have to 
read this thread to discover that other people also are used to and 
expect this behaviour. If there's a good reason why the common and 
expected behaviour is bad, by all means argue that case. I'll listen, 
and I'm sure others will also.

>The fact that *you* set Reply-To to the list on your decision is even
>much more stupid - and very *impolite* also! If I'd wanted to send you a
>private mail I would see my writing on the list surprisingly!
Someone who spits out the word 'stupid' to anything that happens to rub 
them the wrong way, and then spatters their Englishese with exclamation 
marks, is in no position to talk about politeness.

>Even Squirrelmail(!) does have this ability (but - unfortunatly -
>mozilla doesn't - the only modern mailer I know which don't know about
Well, I use Thunderbird, which doesn't have list-reply. No other mail 
app I've ever used has, either. But then they were mostly on Windows, 
which no doubt would cause more reviling and personal attacks rather 
than constructive conversation from you.

>Got the point? 
This is an example of your 'politeness' again, it it?

>If I hit 'r' I want to send a personal, private email to
>*you*. Directing this to the mailing list (really surprinsingly in your
>case as it's not the default behaviour of this list!) is a really,
>really bad thing. Please don't do it anymore!
I set this because I don't want unsolicited mail from anyone, including 
list members. It is the clear will of at least those who have responded 
to this thread that 'reply' replies to the list, and my configuration 
enables this. If this offends the list membership, I'll change it 
perfectly willingly.

Really, until you have the capacity to engage in a civilised manner, I 
think you should refrain from contributing to a public forum. I'm no 
expert, and am willing to be persuaded, but not bullied or harangued. 

Would you be this rude in person?

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