can't send email

Sean Miller sean at
Sun Jan 9 08:03:13 UTC 2005

Alex Nelson wrote:

> Two weeks ago I installed Ubuntu Linux & love it! Almost all of my 
> hardware & gadgets worked right away, & most of those that didn't just 
> needed minor tweaking. Quite an improvement from a year ago when I 
> installed Debian & it took me three weeks just to get my graphics card 
> working. The last hurdle is a critical one: I can recieve email via 
> Evolution, but I can't send email out(I'm suffering the humiliation of 
> sending this email using my wife's Mac). I've tried changing all the 
> different settings to no avail. The same hardware was used with debian 
> running an older version of Evolution all last year with no problem. 
> Whenever I try to send email, I get the response:

What type of e-mail address is it? Basic smtp, or something flashy like 
Hotmail etc. ?

This doesn't sound like a problem with Ubuntu, rather with your mail 
settings and/or your server...


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