openssh-client/server dep. problem w/ ssh-krb5

crimsun at crimsun at
Sun Jan 9 05:18:19 UTC 2005

On Sun, Jan 09, 2005 at 12:06:38AM -0500, Mark Roach wrote:
> Since the openssh-client/server split seems to be an Ubuntu and not a
> Debian decision, I think this is a valid bug for bugzilla...

No, the split occurred here:
openssh (1:3.8.1p1-9) experimental; urgency=low
  * Split the ssh binary package into openssh-client and openssh-server
    (closes: #39741).
-- Colin Watson <cjwatson at>  Mon,  2 Aug 2004 20:48:54 +0100

> It would be nice if ssh-krb5 provided openssh-client so that installing
> it wouldn't remove ubuntu-base (or ubuntu-base could "Depends:
> openssh-client | ssh-krb5").

At best, ssh-krb5 may need to be updated to Provide openssh-client.

Daniel T. Chen          crimsun at
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