remote folder thing

Bo Rosen bo.rosen at
Sat Jan 8 11:54:35 UTC 2005

Not being a terribly computer savvy fellow, especially when it comes to
stuff like remote desktop, vnc and stuff like that, I want pick your

I want my family and friends to be able to access folders on my computer
over the Internet. I don't want them to be able to run any software, but I
do want them to be able to have some private space to store files as well
as have some space open to everyone. I already have an ftp server running
(pure-ftpd), but really want something even simpler to use than that. My
mother should just be able to click on a folder on her Win ME desktop and
find her files. I'm mostly thinking of simple storage of files, but a
photo album utility might be fun too and other ideas might well crop up
over time. So something 'extensible'.

Something web-based perhaps? I suppose I could get apache running after
struggling a bit.

I realise this is a bit vague, but any ideas? Should this be on sounder?


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