Sound Issues in Fresh Hoary Install

Kent Frazier kentfrazier at
Sat Jan 8 11:31:17 UTC 2005

On Thu, 6 Jan 2005 19:32:37 -0800, Matt Zimmerman <mdz at> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 06, 2005 at 07:10:44PM -0600, Kent Frazier wrote:
> > I recently reinstalled Hoary fresh from Array 2 after my previous
> > install gave up the ghost (died).  Everything went pretty well, and
> > all seemed to be working fine, except a few problems with the sound.
> > When I first booted in, there was no sound.  After messing around with
> > alsamixer and the gnome mixer applet, I realized that everything was
> > muted and the volume levels were at the minimum.
> This was a bug which is now fixed in current Hoary.
> > OK, I thought, easy enough to fix.  After unmuting and increasing the
> > volume for master and PCM, the event sounds all worked fine.  After every
> > reboot, however, they are again muted and lowered to nothing.  How can I
> > get it to stop resetting the sound levels?
> This, I've never seen before.  The way it is supposed to work is that every
> time you shut down, the mixer levels are saved, and restored on the next
> boot.  It sounds like you may have saved mixer levels which are muted, but
> even if you did, it should revert on the next shutdown after you unmute
> them.
> Make sure you're using the ALSA mixer, and not the OSS mixer.
> --
>  - mdz

I am indeed using the ALSA mixer, but I had to change it from OSS
after the fresh install, which is probably also a bug.  I tried saving
the session after changing the volume, and it still was muted with no
volume when I restarted.  Any ideas?


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