installing a new video card

Doubletwist doubletwist at
Fri Jan 7 23:04:07 UTC 2005

Brian Craft wrote:
> What can I expect if I swap the video card? Is ubuntu going to choke
> trying to start X, or will it discover the new card and try to configure
> it? Is there a configurator that I will have to invoke manually in
> console mode?

When I start the system with a new card [or where X has the wrong 
driver], gdm tries to start 3 times, then comes up with an error giving 
you the option of looking at the log for clues to why it's not working.
Just go through the error messages and it will drop you at a console.
Alternately, you can boot directly into single-user mode.

 From there you will need to reconfigure X [ dpkg-reconfigure 
xserver-xfree86 ] I think. :) I don't know if there is a more automatic 
way of configuring the new card, since dpkg-reconfigure doesn't 
autodetect anything.

Good luck!


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