kernel^W linux upgrade via apt

Lawrence MacIntyre macintyrelp at
Fri Jan 7 13:57:14 UTC 2005

This is confusing to many people (including myself) because the version
names on the kernel-image packages include ubuntu, but synaptic doesn't
mark them as supported by ubuntu (the ubuntu icon doesn't precede them),
but the linux-image packages don't have ubuntu in their version names
but they do have the ubuntu icon.  What is the reason behind this
apparent inconsistency?

On Thu, 2005-01-06 at 23:13 +0000, Paul Sladen wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Jan 2005, Faycal Chraibi wrote:
> Hi Faycal
> > How does the kernel upgrade works through apt-get (aka apt-get install
> > kernel-image-xxx).
> DON'T USE kernel-image-xxx   (Debian archive)
>    DO USE linux-image-xxx    (Ubuntu archive)
> The 'kernel-image' packages are from the Debian archives, whereas
> 'linux-image' are the correct Ubuntu linux-kernels.
> > Does it need any special modifications after the depackaging is done ?
> No special modifications should be provided.  The grub boot-loader is
> automatically updated.
> > Does it take the old kernel's .config ?
> These are pre-compiled kernels, you can find a copy of the configuration
> that came with a package kernel in the following location:
>   /boot/config-2.6.xx-x-xxx
> If you find yourself re-compiling your own custom kernels, please say what
> you are needing to add and hopefully it'll try to be put in the default
> kernel to avoid the need to recompile.
> Obviously the pre-compiled kernel will differ from your configuration if you
> have previously compiled your own (custom) kernel.
> 	-Paul
> -- 
> Is there no safe way to travel?  Nottingham, GB
Lawrence MacIntyre     865.574.8696     macintyrelp at
               Oak Ridge National Laboratory
High Performance Information Infrastructure Technology Group
               AKO: lawrence.macintyre at
           SIPRNet: macintyrelp at

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