Gnome SSH

kloschi at kloschi at
Thu Jan 6 21:27:37 UTC 2005

On 6 Jan 2005, at 21:34, Sean Miller wrote:

> kloschi at wrote:
>> I asked that before, but it got lost in the thread ; )
>> Prblem is that nautilus ssh doesn't workfor me.
>> As example. I do:
>>     a) Computer -> Home Directory
>>     b) File -> Connect to server
>>     c) Choose ssh, type ip, type username -> Connect
>>     --> an ssh-folder-icon with the ip address as name appears on the 
>> Desktop
>>     d) clicking on that gives me a popup which says "Opening IP. You 
>> can
>>     abort that Action by pressing Cancel." (I freely translated that 
>> from
>>     the German popup ; ) ) this message lasts there forever and I 
>> never get
>>     connected to the remote machine
>> What am I doing wrong?
> I do not know this, have always used the standard command line ssh? 
> Can you try doing such a ssh and see if it works? Might be useful to 
> determine where the problem lies...
> ssh username at domain
> ...then type password if you get the option...

No prob with that. I personally do it by console.
But I don't wanna tell the 101st user how to use the
"thingie called terminal. You can find it there and there .."
especially while users are not interested in terminals
in general : )

And - there _are_ good Guis for ssh/scp under all OS,
except Linux/Gnome.
There is Konqueror doing fish, but ubuntu is with gnome ..
and there is midnight commander knowing 'shell link'.
I was really happy to see the preferred WM (Gnome) with
ssh/scp capabilities _without_ needing a stored key
on server (which was only solution with older nautilus ..).

So I'd really like to get it running : )
And I'd determine it as a ubuntu/gnome/gui problem.

how to go further on that issue?

thanx for helping.

its better to burn out than to fade away ..
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