locale, once again

Alf-Ivar Holm alfh at student.matnat.uio.no
Thu Jan 6 19:00:55 UTC 2005

thomas <tom_hoary at web.de> writes:

> The main reason for these concerns is, that some applications, like LyX
> or Emacs I often use don't support [utf-8] for now.

I've got this in my .emacs on the Ubuntu box:

(set-language-environment "UTF-8")

and have no problems with funny characters.  I got some problems with
BBDb not recognising some names with Norwegian letters so I switched
from "Latin-9" and the problems disappeared.

(I haven't used LyX, so I don't know about that, at the time I was
LaTeXing, I used Emacs with AucTeX.)


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