apt-get messed up (unable to install a kernel)

Asko Kauppi asko.kauppi at sci.fi
Wed Jan 5 14:19:00 UTC 2005

I had bad luck this morning, trying to switch Warty -> Hoary.

The /tmp disk ran out while upgrading, and of course it was the 
kernel/initrd that took the pain (and me!).  Now, the system is back 
up, but attempts to use apt-get give the following:

	Ställer in linux-image-2.6.10-1-686 (2.6.10-3) ...
	File descriptor 3 left open
	File descriptor 4 left open
	File descriptor 5 left open
	File descriptor 6 left open
	File descriptor 7 left open
		Finding all volume groups
	  No volume groups found
	/usr/sbin/mkinitrd: /dev/mapper/cryptoswap: Cannot find LVM device
	Failed to create initrd image.
	underprocess post-installation script gav felkod 2

What should I do to get back to normal?

[ok, I managed to get by by disabling the crypted swap ('cryptsetup 
remove cryptoswap').  Perhaps this would have occurred anyhow; do Hoary 
upgrade people know?]


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