Mozilla Thunderbird

CB ubuntu-users at
Mon Jan 3 01:29:52 UTC 2005

Keith Irwin wrote:

> It's like doing an apt-get remove libc and complaining that the entire
> os depends on it (even the Java VM).  If someone comes in and mucks with
> libc, well, then where would we be?

It actually might be more like there being a 'gaim-libc' on which 
everything depends, so you can't remove gaim without stuffing up your 
entire system.

> In the end, what the Gnome folks are trying to do, I think, is make the
> desktop easy to use and that goal drives their technology choices.  If
> all official gnome apps interact with contact information in the same
> way, then that's a big win for users.  If in so doing, they also take
> care to learn from Microsoft's security mistakes, then that's also a big
> win for users.  Eh? ;)

I don't disagree with this, so long as I can easily remove or choose not 
to use the Evolution application. If the evolution data server is 
intended as a generalised means of interacting with PIM-type data, then 
developers of other PIM or email apps can choose whether or not to use 
that facility for their data handling. Fine -- as long as I can still 
remove the Evolution app itself without penalty. No *mandated* end-user 
apps, please.

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