Automagical mounting no longer working

zer0halo zerohalo at
Sat Jan 1 00:05:22 UTC 2005

Another problem I have, which I believe could be related: 

Eject doesn't work anymore on my CD ROM. I can't eject at all -
neither by pressing the eject button on the CDROM, nor by selecting
the mounted CD and choosing eject. The only way to eject is to reboot!
This is driving me nuts enough to have to switch back to Windows :-)

On Fri, 31 Dec 2004 16:59:57 -0700, zer0halo <zerohalo at> wrote:
> This doesn't work for me. No matter what I connect, whether it be a
> USB thumbdrive, USB CF card reader,  iPod via Firewire, none of them
> mount automatically or display an icon. They used to, and I have no
> idea why they don't now.
> In fact, even when I put a CD in my CD drive, it no longer mounts the
> CD and shows an icon on my desktop like it used to. (However, it does
> if i go to Computer, Disks, and click on the CD ROM icon).
> So in my case, gnome-volume-manager doesn't seem to be doing its job,
> but I don't know how to fix it. Clues? Thanks.
> On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 23:15:13 -0300, rodrigo ahumada
> <rodahum1978 at> wrote:
> >
> >
> > gnome-volume-manager automounts (it runs automatically pmount and makes an
> > icon in the desktop), if you don't use gnome, you can put it in the init of
> > session (.xsession).
> >
> --
> "Impossible is nothing."

"Impossible is nothing."

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