Warty menu : CAUTION !!!

Michael Scottaline mscottaline at gmail.com
Sun Feb 27 12:29:35 UTC 2005

On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 08:20:29 +0000, david <nux at blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-02-27 at 07:21 +0100, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
> >Ohhh, the joy of computing.
<snippage:  the gnashing of teeth ;-)>
> >Boy, I used to swear at Hoary's lack of menu editor, but now Warty's
> >menu is losing it's mind as well ! Why is it Linux stuff always breaks
> >something when it adds something new. One step backward for each step
> >forward... that's not gonna lead anywhere :o(
> >Are menus that chellenging to get working right ? Is it more difficult
> >than developping a kernel or device drivers ?!
> >Sometimes it's hard to keep the faith, and I am forced to look at Win XP
> >with greaaaat respect ! :-/
Yes...., there its only virus and malware one has to contend with on a
daily basis!!!!
<more snippage>
> It's not just Ubuntu. I use Mandrake a lot and they have arguably the
> best menu system on any Linux distro and it sometimes plays up. And when
> it plays up it really throws a tantrum.
> I spent 45 minutes in an office a week or two back running and rerunning
> the menu editor just to get CrossOver Office to appear in the menu. It
> took four reboots to get it back to normal.
> The menu system under Windows is a delight compared to Linux.
Not true IMHO
> Linux eh? You can compile your own kernel, build complex stable
> networks, write your own drivers but don't go asking for a stable menu
> system.
This menuing issue is not a linux problem.  In Blackbox, Windowmaker,
Enlightenment, etc.  I've never had a problem with menues in the
almost 7 years I've been using Linux.  I'm [i]guessing[/i] that this
is a gnome problem.  Which version of Gnome are you using?  2.8?? 
2.9.xx??? the "development" version?  To be honest I've recently been
retrying Gnome (actually at Vince's prodding - he called me a "bad
boy" for not using it), I use 2.8 on my fedora box and 2.9.97, I
believe, on my ubuntu laptop and haven't had any menu problems.  But
on the 2.9.x version I anticipate the possibility/probability of
problems as I'm running hoary w/ a development version of gnome.  If
you're running warty and backports, along w/ a development Gnome, that
too might lead to some instabilities.
Good Luck, and don't despair.  Consider a different desktop
environment, perhaps.
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War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" 
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