Active window not the upper most one- How?

Bengt Thuree bengt at
Sun Feb 27 11:43:02 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

david wrote:
| On Sun, 2005-02-27 at 11:55 +1100, Bengt Thuree wrote:
|>You can not
|>move the cursor with the mouse without raising that window.
| Desktop > Preferences > Windows > Select Windows when the mouse moves
| over them.
| With this setting you can activate a window for input without it coming
| to the top. Just mouse over. (It's the way I do things and have done
| since I first discovered it on KDE. It's far nicer (IMO) than the usual
| way.)
| Conversely, it's easy to "mistake" where the cursor is and issue the
| wrong commands for the window that really is active.

But in Solaris (which I am using at work), you can click with the mouse
in a window without forcing it to the top. You have exactly the same
options, hover the mouse raises the window to the top, or just makes it
active. If you just want to make it active, then to raise it to the top,
you need to click in the window header or something like this.

At least I think, it would be nice if I could click with the mouse in a
window, without raising it to the top


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