[Fwd: Modem installation]

Neil Woolford neil at neilwoolford.co.uk
Sun Feb 27 11:27:44 UTC 2005

At 10:21 27/02/05, you wrote:

>Oh dear !
>My apologies if this is not a "proper" way to respond to a forum matter,
>but I was most grateful to you for your prompt and helpful replies to my
>recent problem.

*Probably* better to stay on forum, as then more people get a chance to
benefit or contribute.

>They got me through "make" fine; interestingly,
>"apt-get install build-essentials" found gcc without asking for the
>install disk.

Yes.  I was away from my Ubuntu system at the time and forgot two things,
one being that the gcc package is on the distribution disk, the other being
that the packages are normally copied to your computer hard drive during
the standard installation.

>I am embarrassed to say I am now stuck at the next fence. "make install"
>produces :
>make[2]: Entering directory `/home/cjf/Drivers/slmodem-2.9.10/drivers'
>make modules -C /lib/modules/
>make: *** /lib/modules/ No such file or directory.
>make: Entering an unknown directorymake: Leaving an unknown
>directorymake[2]: *** [all] Error 2
>make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/cjf/Drivers/slmodem-2.9.10/drivers'
>make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
>make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/cjf/Drivers/slmodem-2.9.10/drivers'
>make: *** [drivers] Error 2
>root at X40:/home/cjf/Drivers/slmodem-2.9.10 #
>I think my problem relates to an instruction in README :
>3. Review and edit 'Makefile' (if need):
>    In many cases you will need to correct path to your local kernel
>    source tree:
>         KERNEL_DIR=/path/to/linux
>    Default KERNEL_DIR is '/lib/modules/<kerne-version>/build'. 
> Many
>   Linux Distributions use directory '/usr/src/linux-<version>' also.

Yes, basically you're on the right track.  Speaking of tracks, I'm off for 
a walk
now while the weather is fine so I can't look at this in detail just now....

>I have tried all the paths which seem likely, but I think I need to find
>the "build" file, which I can't.  Any further help will be very much
>appreciated - or should I, more correctly, go back to the forum ?

I'm posting this back to the forum, so that others can see and respond.

>Is there a guide for newbies which would help me to stop being a pain in
>the ... to you gentlemen ?

There is some information in the Ubunut Wiki.


I'll have another look tonight if you aren't sorted by then :-).


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