Multimedia Hell :-/

Bill Christiansen bill.christiansen at
Sun Feb 27 04:32:06 UTC 2005

This Marillat repo worked for me:
 #deb unstable main

I disabled it after getting what I wanted.
I'm currently using Totem-xine & mozplugger, I followed the directions
in the unofficial starter guide. There was instructions there for
mplayer as well but a Pent 4 was recommended.

Anyway Totem-xine with the w32codecs seems to handle most Windows-media,
Quicktime and Real media streams.

On Sun, 2005-02-27 at 04:40 +0100, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
>> Apparently Mplayer is now in hte Hoary repo. I followed the procedure,
>> seems to work, I have now mplayer in Warty. BUt it has no GUI, command
>> line only, better than notihng I suppose.
>Okay, just found the GUI, it was gmplayer not mplayer... mea culpa.
>Now why do'nt the Marilla repos work... 
>Please someone put the w32codec in the Ubuntu repo :o(
>Vince, slightly depressing...

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