How to stop unwanted servrices during boot

mattheweast ulist at
Sat Feb 26 17:11:23 UTC 2005

I've just come back to ubuntu after a while away so my knowledge is
rusty. You will be able to tell that I am not a debian user. 

However it is my opinion that init scripts are handled REALLY badly in
ubuntu. First, deleting/renaming/chmoding files is an ugly way of doing
it. Secondly, there is no GUI for handling services.

Gentoo uses rc-update and this is really easy and convenient. As the
guy who opened this thread said, Redhat has an excellent GUI to control
boot services.

Thirdly, a question: Is it possible to boot with different grub entries
to start different runlevels? On my gentoo system I set up a "default"
grub menu option, and an "offline" menu option, which wouldn't start
any networking or network mounts. This was pretty useful for when i
wasn't in range of my home network.

thanks for listening


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