Clearlooks theme?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Sat Feb 26 05:36:15 UTC 2005

> >Are we going to have the clearlooks theme under hoary?  It is one of the
> >proposed default themes for gnome and it looks really nice.  The version
> >0.3 just got out.

Oh, thanks for telling me/us !
I have not looked at Gnome eye candy for quite some time. Just searched for this theme, and... WOW !!

Just installed it from source on my Warty, and boy, how beautiful, looks
like a million dollar machine now !! :o)

It's what I have alwyas dreamed of : the perfect synthesis of my two
favorite themes : "Simple" and "Glider".
It may need a slight rework of the window buttons, but that's about it.
Now, the whole desktop looks so nice, that I really can't stand some of
the Gnome stock icons anymore, they really don't look deserving :

'Go to'/'insert', and most of the icons in the navigation bar of
Nautilus when in "browser" mode : 'home', 'stop', 'reload', and all the
Now that all the rest of the desktop looks so nice, it's now at last
worth spending some time and effort to sort out these few icons :o)

It should definitely be Ubuntu's default theme, along with some matching
artwork for GDM and Gnome's bootsplash, and also, for Hoary+1, usplash,
and the graphical installer. We should create a consistant experience
from installation, booting and powering-off, from A to Z :o)

Vince, very very very happy :o)

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